Janet waits around for Geoff and Brenda

Janet waits around for Geoff and Brenda

Janet and Brenda on Stuston Common

Geoff hauls his fertiliser bag up the hill

Geoff gives Janet a hand

Janet looks up as she climbs up the hill

Geoff slides down the hill on Stuston common

Geoff hurtles down the hill

Coming to a stop in a cloud of snow

Geoff's on his arse on a fertiliser bag

The common outside the Stables

Stuston's red K6 phone box in the snow

The Stables

The Mere in Diss with its 1973 gates

Parts of the Mere are frozen over

The frozen Mere and Diss Park

Weavers on St. Nicholas Street in Diss

Cars in the snow on St. Nicholas Street

Brenda's in the lounge, near the snacks

Nosher and David work something out on piano

David plays flute to some piano accompaniment

Geoff watches as David plays flute

David looks to be in pain as he plays flute

David plays a bit of guitar

David entertains on guitar

Janet's on guitar in a photo mash-up

Another accidental photo mash up